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Re: st: foreach-question
At 05:36 AM 4/21/2006, Johannes Geyer wrote:
Dear Statalist,
it seems to me that I did not understand the Syntax of "foreach", I
typed the code below to produce a panel data set for which I had to
rename some variables and added an index(1995,1996,1997,...,2004) as
suffix. The loop works perfectly well until it reaches the last
variable "kzahl". I do not know why but the last variable is not
processed in the loop. Has anyone an idea where I made a mistake?
I simulated your problem via the following:
set obs 100
corr2data netto pbleib pbbil01 pbbil02 pbbil03 phrf famstd stell pnat
nace psbil hhgr eigen kzahl
local wave = "l m n o p q r s t u"
local vars = "netto pbleib pbbil01 pbbil02 pbbil03 phrf famstd stell
pnat nace psbil hhgr eigen kzahl"
local y = 1995
foreach x in `wave' {
foreach z in `vars' {
gen `x'`z' = `z'
rename `x'`z' `z'`y'
local y = `y' + 1
As far as I can tell, it worked fine. Are you sure that lkzahl,
mkzahl, etc. exist?
Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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