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Re: st: Another reshape wide question

From   M Hollis <>
Subject   Re: st: Another reshape wide question
Date   Wed, 19 Apr 2006 10:53:55 -0700 (PDT)

I'm late in the game on this, but I thought it might
be useful to clarify.  Amber asked:
Will Stata let me "reshape" some variables wide and
not others (the ones that are time invariant and hence
missing in observations 2 and 3 for each individiual)?
 When I try to do this, it tells me that those
variables are not constant for each person.
You and Stata appear have different conceptions of
what a time invariant variable should look like.  From
what I gather, your "time invariant" variables have
values for observation 1 and are missing for
observations 2 and 3.  Stata sees these values as
changing over time (from one value in time 1 to
missing in times 2 and 3) and therefore gives you an
error.  Stata expects time invariant variables to have
the same value for all observations.  That's why Nick
Cox suggested the FAQ on replacing missing values. If
you fill in the missing values things should work just


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