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RE: st: lnskew0
Following up on this, transforming by lnskew0, although it might make the sample skewness equal to zero, will not produce anything approximating a normal distribution as your variable takes on only 4 values. So your transformed variable (even if the command "works") will give a new variable that takes on 4 weird non-integer values. As an alternative I suggest analyzing this variable by -ologit- or -gologit-
Al Feiveson
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Ron�n Conroy
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 12:25 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: lnskew0
On 19 Aib 2006, at 17:57, Vivien W. Chen wrote:
> I've got a question about using lnskew0 to create a variable that
> transform skewness as zero. For some unknown reason, I can successfuly
> create for some variables, but some failed. I list the error message
> as below.
> Please help if
> you know the answer. Thanks!
> Vivien
> .tab mmwkdep
> how well
> youcould
> manage
> working
> depression | Freq. Percent Cum.
> ------------+-----------------------------------
> 0 14,474 70.00 70.00
> 1 | 4,429 21.42 91.42
> 2 | 1,293 6.25 97.67
> 3 | 481 2.33 100.00
> ------------+-----------------------------------
> Total | 296 100.00
> .lnskew0 mmwkdepLG=mmwkdep
> variable z_ not found
> r(111);
Reproducible on Stata/SE 9.2 on OS X. The command works fine on the mpg variable from the auto dataset, so this may be a problem with your very short scale.
Note that trying to eliminate the skew from a variable whose four values seem to represent ordered categories doesn't seem to have an immediate clear justification. What are you trying to accomplish?
Ron�n Conroy
[email protected]
+353 (0) 1 402 2431
+353 (0) 87 799 97 95
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