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st: interpreting marginal effects of poisson
Description of Data:
Individual-level survey data from waves 1998, 2000 and 2002. It is a
balanced panel dataset, and I am focusing currently just on Black
American males aged 12-17 in 1998 (and thus age over the course of
the survey). The relevant variables are:
rp: "recent sex partners"
sr: "sex ratio"
age2: age-squared
hgc: "highest grade completed"
hhd1: "household dummy variable for bio. parents still married"
Description of Model:
I am estimating a model in which the number of recent sex partners
men have is a function of their age, age-squared, the relative
availability of men and women in the mating market, their education
attainment, whether their biological parents are married, and
controls for individual, year and state fixed effects. I'm modeling
this as a Poisson distribution. I'm having trouble taking the
coefficients and creating marginal effects. (FYI, I have downloaded -
sposta- utilities, and have used -prchange- but at this point, am
trying to manually create the marginal effects and decipher them).
. xi:poisson rp sr age2 hgc hhd1 i.year, robust
i.year _Iyear_1998-2002 (naturally coded; _Iyear_1998
Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -10504.806
Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -10504.805
Poisson regression Number of obs
= 2277
Wald chi2(6)
= 60.92
Prob > chi2
= 0.0000
Log pseudolikelihood = -10504.805 Pseudo R2
= 0.0347
| Robust
rp | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf.
sr | -.6870002 .3183816 -2.16 0.031 -1.311017
age2 | .0045666 .0012833 3.56 0.000 .
0020515 .0070818
hgc | .000394 .0365008 0.01 0.991 -.
0711463 .0719343
hhd1 | -.300639 .117171 -2.57 0.010 -.5302899
_Iyear_2000 | .065989 .1566268 0.42 0.674 -.
240994 .372972
_Iyear_2002 | -.3705945 .1926353 -1.92 0.054 -.7481528 .
_cons | .5387156 .4899692 1.10 0.272 -.
4216065 1.499038
Question: The coefficient on sr is -.6870002, and it is the variable
of interest. Am I correct in the following interpretations:
Q1. The constant (_cons) represents the log of the mean number of
sex partners for the reference cell, which in this case is Black men
living in homes where parents are not married (hhd1=1 if biological
parents are married). Since exp{.5387156)=1.7138, we see that on the
average these men have 1.7 sex partners at this point in their
lives. Is this the correct interpretation?
Q2. The hhd1 variable reflects the state of the family in which the
Black male lives. As we move from hhd1=0 to hhd1=1, the log of the
mean decreases by .7, which means that the number of sex partners
gets multiplied by exp{-0.300639)=0.740345. This means that Black
males with married biological parents have 25% fewer sex partners
than their counterparts whose parents are not married. Is this the
correct interpretation?
Q3. The sr variable is continuous. It is the ratio of eligible
Black males (of a certain age range) to eligible Black females (of
like age range) at the state level, and will take on a value from as
low as 0.3 to 2.5. I am unsure of how to interpret the marginal
effect of a change in the sex ratio ("sr") on sex partners. Am I
correct that a one unit increase in the sex ratio causes recent sex
partners for Black males to fall by 50%? If so, what is a "one unit"
when we are talking about a continuous random variable? Is it a one
unit increase in the standard deviation? I've been unable to find
this information from my reference books, and do not currently own
the Stata book on categorical variables. But if anyone can provide
basic help here, I'd appreciate it.
Q4: I am able to estimate a model with state, year and individual
fixed effects using OLS with FE (-xtreg-), but not Poisson (-
xtpoisson- nor -poisson-). Specifically, I can estimate the Poisson
model with year and individual effects, but not with year, state and
individual fixed effects. When I include the state effects, the
likelihood iteratations hang up, even after letting it go for
thousands of iterations. It has hung up on a single likelihood, for
that matter, and does not appear to be moving closer towards
convergence. What could be causing this?
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