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RE: st: Weird problem with nested functions in Mata

From   "Ben Jann" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Weird problem with nested functions in Mata
Date   Wed, 12 Apr 2006 22:50:07 +0200

Bill, the time required to look up functions does not seem to be 
the problem here, as is illustrated by the following timings:

	. mata: x = uniform(1000,1)
	r; t=0.00 22:24:32
	. mata: for (i=1;i<=1000;i++) {; z = x:*x:*x:*x:*x; }
	r; t=0.24 22:24:32
	. mata: for (i=1;i<=1000;i++) {; z = test1(x); }
	r; t=0.36 22:24:32
	. mata: for (i=1;i<=1000;i++) {; z = test2(x); }
	r; t=0.22 22:24:33
	. mata: for (i=1;i<=1000;i++) {; z = test3(x); }
	r; t=0.38 22:24:33
	. mata: for (i=1;i<=1000;i++) {; z = test4(x); }
	r; t=0.23 22:24:33
	. mata: for (i=1;i<=1000;i++) {; z = test5(x); }
	r; t=0.40 22:24:34
	. mata: for (i=1;i<=1000;i++) {; z = test6(x); }
	r; t=0.22 22:24:34

Note that I came across the problem in a very different 
context and then started to track it down. After a couple of 
tests it was clear that the problem had to do with nesting 
although this was hard to believe.

I assume that there is a problem with my computer or OS. 
I'll check using another machine.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of William Gould, Stata
> Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 9:08 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: st: Weird problem with nested functions in Mata
> Ben Jann <[email protected]> has done an experiment in Mata
> observed execution times:
> 	: real colvector test1(x) return(x:*x:*x:*x:*x)
> 	: real colvector test2(x) return(test1(x))
> 	: real colvector test3(x) return(test2(x))
> 	: real colvector test4(x) return(test3(x))
> 	: real colvector test5(x) return(test4(x))
> 	: real colvector test6(x) return(test5(x))
> test1() does something.  test2() does the same something, and so do
> test3(), test4(), and so on.  And yet, when Ben Jann writes down
> execution times, he gets strange results, with execution speeds
> up
> and slowing down.  He writes,
> > This really puzzles me. What would be the logic behind this? Does
> > have an explanation?
> I have repeated Ben's experiment, and I do not get the see-saw pattern
> of timings that Ben reports.  My timings are:
>         . mata: z = x:*x:*x:*x:*x
> 	r; t=0.30 13:50:17
>         . mata: z = test1(x)
> 	r; t=0.31 13:50:18
>         . mata: z = test2(x)
> 	r; t=0.30 13:50:18
>         . mata: z = test3(x)
> 	r; t=0.30 13:50:18
>         . mata: z = test4(x)
> 	r; t=0.30 13:50:18
>         . mata: z = test5(x)
> 	r; t=0.31 13:50:19
> 	. mata: z = test6(x)
> 	r; t=0.30 13:50:19
> If Ben really wishes to measure the time of nesting (it is close to
> Ben needs to set up experiments where the *SAME* routine is called
> over and over again, and he will need the number of calls to be in the
> 1,000s, or more.
> That's because the time required to execute a function call is much
> greater
> the first time than subsequent times.  The first time a function is
> called,
> Mata must look up its address based on the function's name.  After
> Mata
> remembers it.
> For example:
>          real colvector test5(x) return(text4(x))
> The first time you call test5(), the function test4() will need to be
> looked
> up by name.  That linkage information (an address) is then stored with
> test5()'s compiled code, so that the next time test5() is called, the
> lookup
> can be skipped.
> That happens within an execution.  So if test6() called test5() a
> times, the first call linkage would be slow, but the remaining 999
> be instant.
> When Mata comes back to a prompt, all that linkage information is
> away,
> and Mata starts rebuilding it from scratch.  Why?  Because, at the
> you
> might throw away the current test4() and write a new one.  The way to
> ensure
> that test5()'s table is updated to invalidate all the information in
> the
> tables.
> -- Bill
> [email protected]
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