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st: Dividing a dataset

From   <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Dividing a dataset
Date   Wed, 12 Apr 2006 13:05:11 +0200

Hi all,

I have a dataset with contains the results of a multiple imputation, so
each observation is contained 5 times. I'm trying to divide this dataset
into 5 different ones (one for each imputed dataset) but I cannot find
an easy way to do it.
My identification variables are 'id' and 'id1':

   list id id1

         |    id    id1 |
      1. |    11      1 |
      2. |    12      1 |
      3. |    13      1 |
      4. |    14      1 |
      5. |    15      1 |
      6. |    21      2 |
      7. |    22      2 |
      8. |    23      2 |
      9. |    24      2 |
     10. |    25      2 |
     11. |    31      3 |
     12. |    32      3 |
     13. |    33      3 |
     14. |    34      3 |
     15. |    35      3 |

The only thing i could think about is (if 3000 observations):

forvalues m=3D1/3000 {
forvalues n=3D2/5 {
drop if id =3D=3D `m'`n'

So i'll be keeping imputed dataset number 1. then repeat this for the
rest of datasets. As you can see this is slow and not really practical.
Is there a way it can be done easily?


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