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st: Ordered Probit with Panel Data [reoprob]

From   "ALICE DOBSON" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Ordered Probit with Panel Data [reoprob]
Date   Tue, 11 Apr 2006 10:50:18 -0400

HI all,
I use Stata 9.1. I apologise for repeating this question in case someone already addressed the same and I missed it. I had earlier posted this question on Mar 29, 06.

I ran an oprobit with a panel data and got the estimates. Of course, the regression model does not consider the panel nature of the data. But, when I am running an reoprob with exactly the same variables I get the following message.

conformability error

When I checked the same I found the following description, which I do not understand.

"You have issued a matrix command attempting to combine two matrices that are not conformable, for example, multiplying a 3x2 matrix by a 3x3 matrix. You will also get this message if you attempt an operation that requires a square matrix and the matrix is not square."

Could someone please help me in understanding what I need to do so that I can get an estimate of the random-effect ordered probit model?

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