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Re: st: SPSS vs STATA for panel data analysis with binary and categorical outcome variables

From   "Rodrigo A. Alfaro" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: SPSS vs STATA for panel data analysis with binary and categorical outcome variables
Date   Mon, 10 Apr 2006 19:02:06 -0400

For sure Stata will give you more options than SPSS and there is a huge community that is working with Stata, with similar problems to solve as you. In the reference manual set you will find a specific book that explain the panel data commands, take a look it at Many econometrics textbook include Stata examples, but you can use the web for a introduction to the topic:, or Rodrigo.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ulrich Kohler" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 7:46 AM
Subject: Re: st: SPSS vs STATA for panel data analysis with binary and categorical outcome variables

Cenare Cenarum wrote:
I have never used STATA, therefore the question is-
have I understood it correctly that in order to do a
panel data analysis with binary and categorical
outcome variables, it is better to use STATA than
SPSS? The reasons for that are that STATA has logistic
regression that taken into account that measurements
are repeated and that STATA gives opportunity for more
complex analysis compared to SPSS where basically all
what one could do is to regress change scores for
independent variables to change score (or value in the
last wave) of the outcome variable. I am strugling
through longitudinal data analysis books on my own and
have no experience with this type of analysis,
therefore I will appreciate any comments and advice
(but please do take into account- I am neither
statistician, no mathematician, just a PhD student in
social sciences:)).
I cannot comment on SPSS, but, yes, Stata has a range of advanced tools for
panel analysis. These tools go far beyond of what you describe is available
in SPSS. You will found fixed effects panel regressions for metric and binary
outcomes, as well as for count data. There will be random effects models for
several other variants of the general linear model. And there will be some
other models which allow, you name it, more complex analyses. All these
models do indeed take into account that measurements are repeated.
The Stata command -help xt- will show you an overview on the tools that are
available in Stata.

Besides the common econometric books on panel analysis you may take a look
into "Kohler/Kreuter: Data analysis using Stata" usefull. Accidentally, I
know that the authors of this book had persons like you in mind while writing
the section on "regression models for panel data".

Many regards

[email protected]
+49 (030) 25491-361
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