Dear all
I would like to estimate a fixed effects panel regression for two groups
of individuals (men and women, say). Then I would like to compare the
coefficients of the two models. However, the -suest- command seems not
to work in this instance because Stata is
" unable to generate scores for model m1
suest requires that predict allow the score option
To give an example:
* snip
sysuse grunfeld, clear
gen GroupNr=cond(fn<7,1,2)
xtreg I F C if GroupNr==1, fe i(fn)
est store m1
xtreg I F C if GroupNr==2, fe i(fn)
est store m2
suest m1 m2
* This gives an error.
* snip
However, the whole procedure works if the fixed effects estimator is
estimated "by hand":
* snip
sysuse grunfeld, clear
gen GroupNr=cond(fn<7,1,2)
xi: reg I F C i.fn if GroupNr==1
est store m1
xi: reg I F C i.fn if GroupNr==2
est store m2
suest m1 m2
test [m1_mean]F = [m2_mean]F
* snip
The problem with my panel is that I have about 20'000 individuals.
Therefore, it is not possible for me to estimate the FE-models by aid of
dummy variables (Stata limit exceeded).
Is there a possibility to test for equality of parameter estimates in
the case of panels? How could I test for equality of the constant of two
fixed effects panel models?
Thanks a lot for looking into this matter.
Kind regards,
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