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st: 12th UK Stata Users' Meeting, London, : second call for papers

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: 12th UK Stata Users' Meeting, London, : second call for papers
Date   Wed, 5 Apr 2006 22:40:38 +0100

As already announced, the next London Stata users' meeting 
will be held at City University on 11-12 September 2006. 
This is a central location, near to the Royal Statistical 
Society and Bayes' burial place. 

The logistic arrangements will be made by 
Timberlake Consultants (, 
the distributors of Stata in Britain. 

The scientific programme will be organised by 
Patrick Royston, MRC Clinical Trials Unit, London, 
( and myself, 
from Durham University ( 

Stata users' meetings started in London in 1995, and there 
has been a meeting every year since. As those who have 
attended them will attest, these meetings have an 
international flavour. We usually attract several visitors 
from other countries, including the United States, other 
European countries, Australia and New Zealand. 

Key StataCorp personnel will be present:

Vince Wiggins will deliver the "Report to users"
and will focus in particular on the new multiprocessor 
version of Stata, announced just last week: see

David Drukker will give tutorial reviews of 
"Econometric analysis of panel data using Stata" 
and "A brief introduction to Mata".

Plans are firming up for the meeting and several papers
have already been offered. Several slots still remain and
further offers of papers should please be 
directed at either organiser, as seems appropriate, 
preferably with a copy to the other. Any offer 
of a biostatistical or medical statistical presentation
is better directed at Patrick, and anything else at myself. 

The deadline for further offers is 1 June 2006. 

The typical slot for a presentation will be 20 minutes, 
but we are open to offers (with rationale for differing 
length) of shorter or longer talks. 

Potential visitors to Britain might like to know that September
is usually a relatively dry and warm month (by British 
standards, naturally). 


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