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RE: st: manipulating matrix elements

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: manipulating matrix elements
Date   Thu, 30 Mar 2006 18:34:16 +0100

Thanks for the references. I found the second reference 
once I had worked out that the volume number is 107. 

Martin does, as you say, use the quantity 

	SUM p ln p + ln #cells 

In fields I know a bit about, it is more common
to use 

	- SUM p ln p = H 

as a basic quantity. This is what is used in 
my program -ineq- on SSC, for example. 

Also, if this H is based on K categories, it can vary 
between 0 and ln K, so a simple scaling is H / ln K. 
(In the limiting case of a single category with p = 1, 
you have to trap the 0 / 0 calculation.) There is 
no assumption or approximation in this. 

I am not clear that this is what you doing, but no 

Looking at my little program, it is easy to generalise 
it so that it can take one variable or two. This is me
modifying the program so it does things I sometimes 
want to do, no more. 

*! 1.0.0 NJC 30 March 2006
program myentropy, rclass
	version 9  
	syntax varlist(min=1 max=2) [if] [in] [fweight aweight] 
	marksample touse 
	qui count if `touse' 
	if r(N) == 0 error 2000 

	tempname matname
	tab `varlist' [`weight' `exp'] if `touse', matcell(`matname')
	mat `matname' = `matname' / r(N)
	mata: subroutine("`matname'")
	di as txt "entropy      " as res %7.4f r(entropy) 
	di as txt "scaled [0,1] " as res %7.4f r(scaled) 
	return scalar entropy = r(entropy) 
	return scalar scaled = r(scaled) 

void subroutine(string scalar matname)
	real matrix 	X
	real scalar	H       
	X = st_matrix(matname)
	H = -sum(X :* ln(X)) 
	scaled = H == 0 ? 0 : H / ln(rows(X) * cols(X)) 
	st_numscalar("r(entropy)", H)
	st_numscalar("r(scaled)", scaled)

[email protected] 

Steve Vaisey
> I just checked the archives and saw Nick's question about the 
> additive 
> element.  The reference for this is:
> Martin, John Levi. 1999. "Entropic Measures of Belief System 
> Constraint." Social Science Research 28:111-134.
> A simpler and perhaps more useful exposition is given in:
> -----. 2002. "Power, Authority, and the Constraint of Belief 
> Systems." 
> American Journal of Sociology 197:861-904.
> Adding the ln(M) [where M = number of cells] is meant to 
> standardize the 
> entropy (actually, the negative of the entropy) so that it 
> varies from 0 
> to 1 (i.e., from more to less entropic).  This 
> standardization assumes, 
> however, that no (or few) cells have particularly low counts. 
>  As such, 
> it's really only useful in large-n applications.  But since 
> that's what 
> I have, that's OK.

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