This example affords amusement at various levels.
First, only earlier today I posted
gen length = end - beg + 1
expand length
bysort Persnr beg: gen month = beg[1] + _n - 1
drop length
as an answer to a question to Anna Manzoni. In
its main feature, this is the same problem,
but no one seemed to notice.
Second, the laugh is also on me. Alex's elegant
solution underlines that my code was twice as
long as it should have been, as
expand end - beg + 1
bysort Persnr beg: gen month = beg[1] + _n - 1
would have been enough.
(That said, a composite id plus year variable
will not be the way to define a panel dataset.)
Ronnie Babigumira
> Im laughing at myself for what I posted before
Alex Ogan
> expand ((End - Start) + 1)
> bysort ID: gen IDyear = string(ID) + string(Start + _n - 1)
> I have a list of observations by unit (firm),
> which I would like to transfrom into a panle data set,
> by year/unit.
> Right now, the first variables of the observations
> look something like
> ID Start End Industry
> 1 1985 1990 3
> 2 1988 1991 1
> 3 1982 1993 3
> And I'd like them to look like
> IDyear Industry
> 11985 3
> 11986 3
> 11987 3
> 11988 3
> 11989 3
> 11990 3
> 21988 1
> 21989 1
> 21990 1
> 21991 1
> 31982 3
> 31983 3
> ...
> 31993 3
> Reshape does not seem to help, as I have a
> (unbalnaced) range, rather then a fixed list of
> variables. Any ideas, what I can do?
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