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RE: st: multinomial and conditional logit
Rafa and Maarten,
I see what you mean.
Thank you so much for your help!
Rafa, if you still have the dofile I would appreciate it, but only if it's easy to find.
Thanks again,
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]On Behalf Of R.E. De Hoyos
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 8:12 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: multinomial and conditional logit
There was a discussion about this some time ago:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Maarten buis" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 2:09 AM
Subject: Re: st: multinomial and conditional logit
> Irina:
> In this case you will have to use a conditional logit (if you had no
> product characteristics you
> could have also used multinomial logit). In Stata the command is -clogit-.
> HTH,
> Maarten
> --- "Paley, Irina" <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Standard textbooks such as Wooldridge mention that multinomial logit is a
>> special case of
>> conditional logit. Suppose I have different consumers chosing different
>> products. I need to
>> estimate the effect of consumers' characteristics and the effect of the
>> products'
>> characteristics together in the same regression. How can I tell Stata to
>> do that?
> -----------------------------------------
> between 1/2/2006 and 31/3/2006 I will be
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> Maarten L. Buis
> Department of Social Research Methodology
> Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
> Boelelaan 1081
> 1081 HV Amsterdam
> The Netherlands
> visiting adress:
> Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z214
> +31 20 5986715
> http://home.fsw.vu.nl/m.buis/
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