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Re: st: Same condition, different subsamples ??
maybe you could rather send to Statalist the list of Stata commands
you issued than paste some parts of the logfile. Your E-Mail is really
hard to read.
Kind regards,
On 3/28/06, Akihito Tokuhara <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Statalist members,
> I have a somewhat weird problem while calculating summary stats with
> sub-samples.
> I created a dummy variable, called sme = 1 for small, and sme = 0 for large.
> However, when repeating the creation of another dummy variable, Stata 9.0/SE
> seemingly made two different sets of sub-samples. Please see the result from
> the log-files below.
> /* ************ */
> Three dummy variables are created with identical conditions, but the first
> two
> are calculated by Stata with identical sub-samples. But the third is a
> different
> set of subsample. Hence, the summary stats are different !!
> The program was run several times, but they all turned up the same
> difference.
> Can anyone enlighten me about this ?
> /* ***** From Log Files ******** */
> . /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
> >generate SaleAsst_us=0; /* -- First dummy -- */
> . replace SaleAsst_us=1 if (turn_us < 50000) | (toas_us < 43000);
> (318680 real changes made)
> >/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
> >generate sale_sme=0; /* -- Second dummy -- */
> . replace sale_sme=1 if (turn_us < 50000) | (toas_us < 43000);
> (318680 real changes made)
> >/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
> >/* ----- Check with sub-samples ----- */
> >
> >generate SME=0; /* -- Third dummy -- */
> . replace SME=1 if (turn_us < 50000) | (toas_us < 43000);
> (117151 real changes made)
> . /*
> /* ************* */
> . /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
> >generate SaleAsst_us = 0; /* -- First dummy -- */ /* --- space around
> >= --- */
> . replace SaleAsst_us = 1 if (turn_us < 50000) | (toas_us < 43000);
> (318680 real changes made)
> >/* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
> >generate sale_sme = 0; /* -- Second dummy -- */
> . replace sale_sme = 1 if (turn_us < 50000) | (toas_us < 43000);
> (318680 real changes made)
> >/* ----- Check with sub-samples ----- */
> >
> >generate SME=0; /* -- Third dummy -- */
> . replace SME=1 if (turn_us < 50000) | (toas_us < 43000);
> (117151 real changes made)
> . /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
> >/* ---------- For checking sub-sample stats --------------- */
> > tabstat `varlist1' if (year==2003) & (SME==1) & (quoted=="No"),
> >by(country) stats(n median) column(v
> >ariable) save;
> Summary statistics: N, p50
> by categories of: country
> country | Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5
> Var6 Var7 Var8
> -----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Austria | 286 286 286 319 278
> 318 319 319
> | 1.267237 .4993207 0 .4867293 100
> .0693649 .2346598 .0029079
> /* ********* */
> >/* ---------- For checking sub-sample stats --------------- */
> > tabstat `varlist1' if (year==2003) & (sale_sme==1) & (quoted=="No"),
> >by(country) stats(n median) col
> >umn(variable) save;
> Summary statistics: N, p50
> by categories of: country
> country | Var1 Var2 Var3 Var4 Var5
> Var6 Var7 Var8
> -----------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Austria | 280 280 280 313 272
> 312 313 313
> | 1.300142 .5070484 0 .4955109 100
> .0687543 .2352267 .0028752
> -
> /* ********* */
> TIA. --- Akihito
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- Seb F Buechte
- Stay tuned!
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