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st: RE: error message in xtabond2

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: error message in xtabond2
Date   Tue, 28 Mar 2006 10:38:30 +0100

This is really a question for the program author, 
David Roodman. It appears that he is not currently
a member of Statalist, so I recommend emailing him 
at the address given in the help file. 

Despite what you say, I consider it more likely that your 
error message was 

variable __000007 not found 

with two leading underscores. Variable names 
in Stata may not begin with numeric characters. 
On the other hand, temporary variable names 
do begin with double underscores. 

To quote the Statalist FAQ: 

"Before posting, consider other ways of finding information: 


the authors of user-written ado-files (who usually have email 
addresses, but are not always members of Statalist)" 

"Say exactly what you typed and exactly what Stata typed 
(or did) in response. N.B. exactly!"

[email protected] 

Vivian Sibbaluca

> I would like to ask about an error message that
> is displayed when running xtabond2. I am trying
> different lags of the endogenous variable to be
> included in the model. Everything went well until i
> tried lag=4, ie, l(0/4) when an error message appeared
> "variable 000007 not found". I used the same set of
> variables in all the models and even tried to lessen
> the number of variables at lag=4 to avoid the error
> message but still, it didn't work. I though that maybe
> the time series or the number of observations is
> small. so i tried a stata dataset to see if this is
> really the problem. i tried using the same number of
> observations and even fewer and a shorter series as
> well. but i did't encounter any problem running  the
> xtabond2. does this mean that i do have a problem with
> my dataset? 

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