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st: calculating totals and crossing them with all other variables

From   Stephanie Premji <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: calculating totals and crossing them with all other variables
Date   Fri, 24 Mar 2006 09:51:16 -0800 (PST)

Hi everyone, 

I'm just learning Stata and I have a database that has
columns for age, sex, etc. and columns for number of
cases, number of days, etc. (workers' compensation
data). My age column for instance has the following

And my sex column has the following:

All the variables are crossed together, which means
that line 1 is 15-24, Men, Nb of cases, line 2 is
25-44, Men, Nb of cases, line 3 is 45+, Men, Nb of
cases, line 4 is 15-24, Women, Nb of cases, etc.
(I have 5 such variables and 4 variables with data
such as number of cases, days, etc. so 9 columns). I
don't have lines for the combinations that produce 0
cases (data was given to me that way).

I am trying to calculate totals and cross them with
all other variables:
Ex of a line: Total-Age, Men, number of cases, etc.
Ex of another line: 15-24, Total-sex, number of cases,

This is what I came up with but it doesn't work...For
some reason I end up with duplicates even though my
database doesn't have any to begin with. I'm wondering
if there is an easier way to do this: 

For age (GrAge)
* I generate variables with the sum of all
sort  Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof
by Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof : egen
by Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof : egen
by Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof : egen
by Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof : egen

* For each combination, I create a fake variable (var)
that is equal to 1 for the last line:
sort  Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof
by Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof : gen var=1 if _n==_N

* I create another line exactly the same
expand 2 if var==1

* For each combination, I re-create a variable var
that is equal to 1 for the last line 
sort  Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof GrAge
drop var
by Region CTI3 sexe Gr_prof : gen var=1 if _n==_N

* I then transform the last line:
replace GrAge=1 if var==1
replace Nb_cases=tot_nb_cases if var==1
replace Nb_days=tot_nb_days if var==1
replace Nb_permanent=tot_nb_perma if var==1
replace Sum_permanent=tot_sum_perma if var==1

drop  var tot_sum_perma tot_nb_perma tot_nb_days

Does anyone have a suggestion? Thanks, I really
appreciate it!

Stephanie Premji
PhD Candidate
Environmental Sciences
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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