Dear Statalist users:
As I have not received any answer to my question, I thought I could
provide more information and clarify my query (which can be
misunderstood in the original post).
I am trying to adapt a model developed in a 1990 T. Bresnahan and P.
Reiss paper ("entry in monopoly markets") to Brazilian data.
Following their model, I need to perform a ratio between marginal
effects after an ordered probit command.
That is, after
. oprobit y x1 x2 x3
where y = 0,1,2
I asked for the marginal effects
. mfx compute, predict (outcome(1))
. mfx compute, predict (outcome(2))
which gave me, say, "dydx1(1)" and "dydx1(2)".
Now, what I need to estimate is "dydx1(2)/dydx1(1)" with its standard
I guess I need to use "nlcom" command, but I have no clue on how to
write this last syntax statement, despite all my tries.
Any hint on this matter would be very much appreciated.
Thanks again,
Sergio Goldbaum
Fundacao Getulio Vargas - SP.
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