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st: -adoupdate-

From   Ronnie Babigumira <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: -adoupdate-
Date   Mon, 20 Mar 2006 17:07:01 +0100

First off, this is a really nice utility. Like most users, I had multiple copies of the same stuff installed so this has helped clean up my ados in addition to helping me keep them updated.

It was pointed out that you may need to run -adoupdate, update- a number of times before it gets everything right. However, I have a list of stubborn ados which must be updated however, -adoupdate, update- does not appear to be updating them (or if it does then they change everyday)

------------------begin log--------------------------------------

Packages that need to be updated are...

[80] collin -- zdemo. Collinearity Diagnostics
[95] sjlatex -- sjlatex: LaTeX files for the Stata Journal
------------------end log--------------------------------------

And today, -textbarplot- was added to this list (I run -adoupdate, update- a number of times but kept getting this list)

[126] textbarplot -- 'TEXTBARPLOT': module to produce horizontal text and bar plot

Is anyone familiar with this and does it mean I dont have the most recent copies of these ados? (I did the uninstall, reinstall but it didnt help)

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