I guess you are not telling us everything.
For example, if some of your code is executed
from the Command window and some from the
do-file editor, then the "program" (by courtesy)
in the editor cannot see the locals defined from
the Command window.
Remember: -local- means precisely that. Local macros
are only visible within the same program, meaning
a -program- defined as such, a do-file, code in
the do-file editor or the main session running
from the Command window.
[email protected]
(not a Professor!)
Sean Shu
> I have following code which let two local macros expand in a
> file path.
> But after running the looping, the files are saved under C: directly,
> instead of the directory suggested by the code.
> local path = "C:/EPI Projects/RRFSS Trends/"
> local fname = "Smoking Vehicle\vehicle0"
> cd "C:\EPI Projects\RRFSS Trends\data"
> forval i = 1/4 {
> insheet cat prop ucl lcl popsize using raw0`i'.txt, clear
> generate year = 200`i'
> save "`path'/`fname'`i'", replace
> }
> Messages from STATA after running the above code
> forval i = 1/4 {
> 2. insheet cat prop ucl lcl popsize using raw0`i'.txt,
> clear
> 3. generate year = 200`i'
> 4. *save "C:\EPI Projects/RRFSS, replace
> . save "`path'/`fname'`i'", replace
> 5. }
> (5 vars, 2 obs)
> file /1.dta saved
> (5 vars, 2 obs)
> file /2.dta saved
> (5 vars, 2 obs)
> file /3.dta saved
> (5 vars, 2 obs)
> file /4.dta saved
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/