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Re: st: Manual class programming example

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Manual class programming example
Date   Wed, 15 Mar 2006 14:40:07 -0500

Note that -help classman- specifies: "Classes are usually defined in
.class files.  For instance, we might define the class coordinate in
the file coordinate.class" and if you save the text

version 9.1
class coordinate {
double x
double y
program .set
args x y
.x = `x'
.y = `y'

in a file called coordinate.class in your path, you don't need to run
or do a do-file to type interactively

.coord =
.coord.set 1 2

without seeing any error messages.  (Close Stata and start a new
instance if you are having problems with this.)

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