Yes, to beat a dying horse, he named "Clive Nichols" or an
amalgamation of "Austin Nichols" and "Clive Nicholas" and my opening
question was intended as a joke, but perhaps the earlier part of the
thread was not immediately visible to Statalist members whose email
clients do not automatically thread questions and replies... I should
have put a :-) after the question mark, I suppose, or some other
indication of tongue in cheek, or at least cheek. Is a smiley
required here?
On 3/15/06, Clive Nicholas <[email protected]> wrote:
> Austin Nichols replied to Clyde Schechter:
> > Who is this Clive Nichols character (must have been an off-list
> > suggestion)?
> > Read
> >
> > for ideas on some detective work that might possibly be productive.
> I think Clyde named me by mistake when in fact he meant Austin.
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