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gen output = . 
levelsof year, local(Y) 
qui foreach y of local Y { 
	tempvar work 
	xtile `work' = input if year == `y', nq(5) 
	replace output = `work' if year == `y' 
	drop `work' 

This also makes fewer assumptions about the 
spacing of the years variable. 

[email protected] 

Nuno Soares
> I'm new at using the STATA programming capabilities and I'm 
> having a problem
> with a function I'm trying to implement. The objective is to create a
> variable that is able to capture the year specific quintiles 
> of a given
> variable into a new variable. Ex. Imagine we have a sample 
> with the income
> of the subjects and the year it was surveyed. What I need is 
> to get the
> quintile each individual belongs to according to his income, 
> for each year,
> for all the years. The xtile command only allows to generate 
> the desired
> classification for a each year at a time (and I have 20 
> years, and i need to
> do this to several variables, for several breakpoints).
> The ado file I've written is the following:
> program qtex
> 	version 9.0
> 	args inputvar years outputvar start_year end_year qtiles
> 	quietly gen `outputvar' =.
> 	while `start_year'<=`end_year' {
> 		quietly gen xtile `_tempqt' = `inputvar' if `years' ==
> `start_year', nquantiles(`qtiles')
> 		quietly replace `outputvar' == `_tempqt' if 
> `_tempqt' ~=.
> 		quietly drop `_tempqt'
> 		local start_year = `start_year' + 1
> 		}
> end
> The inputvar is the variable that is intended to be used for the
> classification; years is the variable which holds the year 
> each observation
> belongs to; outputvar is the variable that will hold the 
> classification for
> each observation; start_year and end_year the start and end 
> periods that
> will be used as criteria for classification; qtiles the 
> number of quantiles
> to be created.
> The message STATA returns is: 
> invalid syntax
> r(197);

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