Please use an informative title for your posting.
The report is in effect "it doesn't work" which
is usually impossible to comment on, but more
can be said in this case.
I note in passing that you indicate, presumably
schematically, that you typed
newey indepvar depvar, lag(4) force
However, the dependent variable would be named
On the key question, you can't have it both
ways. It's as simple as that. -newey- won't
function without a prior -tsset- and you can't
-tsset- your data in terms of just a time
variable, as it will detect repeated values, unless
you happen to have panel data for which at most
one member is recorded for each time point.
If your question makes theoretical sense,
and on that I can't comment, then the only
way to do this with Stata would appear
to be by writing your own program.
[email protected]
Christine Dwane
> I need to have newey west standard errors, not in a panel
> data context (i.e.
> setting the time and panel variables
> with "sort" and "tsset" commands), but with a pooled ols estimator.
> So I try to do this by reading in the panel data set without
> setting the time
> variable using tsset. I tried to use the command "newey
> indepvar depvar, lag(4)
> force" but it won't work and I was just wondering if there is
> another way to get
> the newey s.e. with this,
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