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Re: st: memory required for -merge-
It seems possible that if there is no match at all that the data set would
be much larger than you expect. One way to examine what's happening would
be to merge using only part of the data set.
At 09:39 PM 3/8/2006, you wrote:
Hi all,
Is there a rule for the amount of memory required for -merge-? I keep
getting a "no room to add more variables due to width" error on the
same merge. I am attempting to -merge- on only one variable
(placefip), and 67% of memory is free before I attempt the -merge-
(i.e., while the "master" dataset is loaded). The "using dataset is
small, and I've got the memory set quite high (900m). So, I can't
understand why I am running into memory problems.
This is the info on the "master" dataset:
. des
Contains data from ../data/geog/geog_pooled.dta
obs: 20,873,141
vars: 4 8 Mar 2006 21:32
size: 333,970,256 (66.5% of memory free) (_dta has notes)
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
cityres long %05.0f * City of residence
msarfip int %04.0f * PMSA/MSA of residence
year int %4.0g
placefip long %07.0f * Place (city) of
residence (FIPS)
* indicated variables
have notes
And this is the info on the "using" dataset:
. des using ../data/geog/geog_cc
Contains data
obs: 25,150 8 Mar 2006 22:21
vars: 3
size: 1,207,200
storage display value
variable name type format label variable label
macci byte %1.0g Center city
placefip long %07.0f
place_name str39 %39s
Sorted by: placefip
This is the memory usage I see after the error, when the "master"
dataset is loaded:
. memory
Details of set memory usage
overhead (pointers) 83,492,564 8.38%
data 250,477,692 25.14%
data + overhead 333,970,256 33.53%
free 662,176,944 66.47%
Total allocated 996,147,200 100.00%
Other memory usage
set maxvar usage 1,848,666
set matsize usage 1,315,200
programs, saved results, etc. 41,128
Total 3,204,994
Grand total 999,352,194
Any ideas?
Danielle H Ferry
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Fred Wolfe
National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases
Wichita, Kansas
Tel (316) 263-2125 Fax (316) 263-0761
[email protected]
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