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RE: st: set mem
I suspect this may be because one line of Fred's code has spilled over
two lines in his message. The following should all be on one line:
di in green "Maximum value of memory allowed by OS is " in
After setting up the command (the usual way would be to save it as
memtest.ado, although running it as a do file will make it work
temporarily), the command is just:
. memtest
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Andy Choi
Sent: 09 March 2006 07:32
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: st: set mem
I ran this ado file. Its still unclear how I could obtain the
information it should provide such as the maximum allowable memory.
After the do file, I tried the following commands:
. memtest
Maximum value of memory allowed by OS is invalid syntax . memtest
r(osmem_m) Maximum value of memory allowed by OS is invalid syntax .
memtest r(memory) Maximum value of memory allowed by OS is invalid
--- Fred Wolfe <[email protected]> wrote:
> At 04:42 PM 3/8/2006, you wrote:
> >I have found discrepancies on the maximum memory allowed using the
> >set mem command despite equal amounts of RAM on various computers. Is
> >there is a direct correlation between RAM on your computer and the
> >memory allocated using the set mem command?
> >
> >Any recommendations on how to maximize set mem?
> I have a program that tests how much memory is available. I have not
> sent it SSC. It is posted below.
> I have a few other programs, though not necessarily the most modern
> that do some useful things for memory.
> One is called -resetmem- that allows you to reset memory without
> clearing out current memory. It also will reduce memory automatically
> so as not to waste memory. If there is some interest in it I can send
> it to Kit to post on the archives.
> Bill Gould, who knows so many things, thinks programs like this are a
> bad idea because if something goes wrong you can lose your data. But
> that's true with many programs. I've never had a problem.
> Caveat ...
> Fred
> *! memtest.ado v1.0.2 fw 3/30/04 determines maximum allowable memory
> *! and current memory. Allowable value in mb is returned in r(osmem_m)
> *! keywords: memory program define memtest, rclass
> version 8.2
> preserve
> clear
> qui query memory
> local oldmem = `r(memory)'
> local memtest = 2000
> while `memtest' > 100 {
> cap set mem `memtest'm
> if _rc == 0 {
> di in green "Maximum value of memory allowed by OS is " in
> yellow"`memtest'm"
> continue, break
> }
> local memtest = `memtest' - 100
> }
> return scalar osmem_m = `memtest'
> set mem `oldmem'k
> restore
> end
> Fred Wolfe
> National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases Wichita, Kansas
> Tel (316) 263-2125 Fax (316) 263-0761
> [email protected]
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