The dinosaurs lasted tens of millions of years
and were very successful in many ways.
Also, they lost out mostly because of extra-terrestrial
impact, not their own folly. The genus Homo cannot make
either claim as yet.
[email protected]
Visintainer, Paul
> Thanks, Nick. While I certainly was fond of the -for- command, no one
> wants to be labeled a dinosaur!
Nick Cox
> StataCorp made this decision some time ago and I see no
> chance of them reversing it.
< comment>
Visintainer, Paul
> > why is the -for- command being dropped? Obviously
> > -forval- and -foreach- are far more flexible, but the -for-
> > command is quite convenient in routine data manipulation and
> > analysis. Its a great way to introduce new students to
> > looping over numbers or variables. I would vote for retaining it.
Nick Cox
> > unless the user has an old version of Stata, no
> > on-line help is now available for -for-.
> >
> > For reasons documented elsewhere, -for- is in
> > essence deprecated. -forval- and -foreach-
> > should be considered preferable.
Visintainer, Paul
> > > Assuming your data are set up appropriately, try:
> > >
> > > for num 1/5: tabodds case year [fweight=freq] if cat == X
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