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st: RE: forvalues gives "numlist has too many elements" error

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: forvalues gives "numlist has too many elements" error
Date   Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:45:08 -0000

I can't reproduce this as a problem with -forval-. 

Much of the point of -forval- is that it doesn't 
construct a numlist. (By the way, it will not accept 
numlists in general.) If it did, there would be 
no rationale for it as a separate command. Rather, 
it constructs its counter on the fly, so enabling 
speed and storage gains over the equivalent -foreach-. 

On a separate detail, using -nullmat()- would enable
you to remove the -if/else- branch. 

How are you assigning to local macro 1? 

[email protected] 

Pablo Mitnik
> The code below worked fine, until I tried it with `1'==10000 
> (`1' refers 
> to the number of repetitions in a simulation).
> When I did this, I received the following error message:
> "invalid numlist has too many elements
> r(123);"
> The help info on r(123) didn't help me -- it refers you to [U] 11.1.8 
> numlist, but I didn't find anything
> useful for my problem there.
> Any thoughts? Is there a workaround this issue?
> -----------code begins--------------
> foreach posed in o2 o3 o4 b2 b3 b4 {
>     forvalues rep = 1/`1' {
>     if (`rep'==1) {
>         mat MR`posed'=(mr`posed'_`rep')
>         }
>     else {
>         mat MR`posed'=(MR`posed' \ mr`posed'_`rep')
>         }
>     }
> }
> -------------- code ends-------------------

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