Dear Statalisters,
please note specifically Stata seminars upfront the conference. All
other stuff might be interesting, too :)). Feel free to further
forward it.
The Sixth Annual Winemiller Conference:
Methodological Developments of Statistics in the Social Sciences
University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, Oct 11-14, 2006.
The aim of this conference is to foster collaboration among mathematical
statisticians and quantitatively-oriented social science researchers.
The interdisciplinary conference brings together top researchers from
major social science disciplines, highlighting the interface between
recent developments in each area.
Invited speakers will discuss statistical methods used in the social
sciences, including structural equation modeling (K. Bollen, P.
Bentler), multilevel models (S. Raudenbush, S. Rabe-Hesketh), cluster
analysis (M. Brusco), social networks (M. Handcock), measurement theory
(R. Hambleton), Bayesian methods (J. Gill), survey data analysis (J.
Eltinge), computational issues (J. Hilbe), missing data (R. Little),
and program evaluation (G. Imbens).
Pre-conference workshops on October 11 will provide overviews of popular
statistical software (PROC CALIS in SAS and longitudinal and multilevel
-xt- commands in Stata).
Applications are invited for contributed presentations and posters.
Junior researchers are especially encouraged to apply. Funds are
available to support receipients of doctoral degrees awarded no earlier
than 2000 and current graduate students.
Further information, registration form and tentative program is
available at
Contact information:
Lori Thombs, tel. (573) 882-3844, fax (573) 884-5524, email:
[email protected]
Stas Kolenikov, tel. (573) 882-1577, fax (573) 884-5524, email:
[email protected]
Stas Kolenikov
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