"Didn't work" is less than informative. The solution as provided does work.
At the risk of violating the norms on reposting, I will repeat:
The addition of
relabel(3 " " 6 " " 9 " ")
as a suboption of over() ** doesn't ** work. But this does:
relabel(3 "`: di char(160)'" 6 "`: di char(160)'" 9 "`: di char(160)'")
On 3/4/06, Hiroshi Maeda <[email protected]> wrote:
> Thank you for your help, Drs. Nichols & Cox; you have solved my
> problems. Austin, I actually tried the -relabel- suboption inside -over-
> but it did not work, as you pointed out. I wonder why. I feel the
> -relabel- suboption should have solved my problem #2. Am I missing
> something or is this a problem in Stata? ---Hiroshi
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