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st: RE: graph twoway bar horizontal vs. graph hbar

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: graph twoway bar horizontal vs. graph hbar
Date   Fri, 3 Mar 2006 18:59:38 -0000

As it happens, I started work last night on 
a rough-and-ready program in this territory
called -textbarplot-. 

Re-creating your data (note the short-cuts) 

#delimit ; 
set obs 11;
gen TYPE_YEAR = _n;

lab define TYPE_YEAR 1 "General, 1900" 2 "General, 1930" 4 "Mental, 1900"
5 "Mental, 1930" 7 "TB, 1900" 8 "TB, 1930" 10 "OS, 1900" 11 "OS, 1930";

gen AVE_NUM_BED=82  if TYPE_YEAR==1;
replace AVE_NUM_BED=81  if TYPE_YEAR==2;
replace AVE_NUM_BED=508 if TYPE_YEAR==4;
replace AVE_NUM_BED=780 if TYPE_YEAR==5;
replace AVE_NUM_BED=103 if TYPE_YEAR==7;
replace AVE_NUM_BED=130 if TYPE_YEAR==8;
replace AVE_NUM_BED=68  if TYPE_YEAR==10;
replace AVE_NUM_BED=60  if TYPE_YEAR==11;

I then went 

. textbarplot TYPE_YEAR  AVE_NUM_BED, plotregion(margin(zero))

which gets you much of the way there. (You can add further

As I have suggested various times in this list, for the 
flexibility you want, -twoway bar, hor- is the way to
go, as I don't think -graph hbar- can solve your problem 2)
without creating further problems. 

Your problem 1) is I think solved by the option above. 

Note that -textbarplot- can be recast to a different 
form by -recast(dot)-, -recast(dropline)-, -recast(spike)-
by courtesy of some cute Wigginsypokery. 

[email protected] 

source_of_text_on_y_axis bar_magnitude [if] [in] 
[, SCatter(scatter_options) twoway_bar_options plot() addplot()] 

*!!! not much testing yet 
*! 1.0.0 NJC 3 March 2006 
program textbarplot 
	version 9   
	syntax varlist(min=2 max=3) [if] [in] ///
	[, SCatter(str asis) PLOT(str asis) ADDPLOT(str asis) * ] 

	quietly { 
		marksample touse, strok 
		count if `touse' 
		if r(N) == 0 error 2000 
		tokenize `varlist'

		if "`3'" == "" { 
			args text bar    
			tempvar y
			gen long `y' = _n if `touse' 
			local obs "`y'" 
		else { 
			args y text bar 
			capture confirm numeric variable `y' 
			if _rc { 
				di as err "`y' not numeric"
				exit _rc 
			capture assert `y' == floor(`y') if `touse' 
			if _rc { 
				di as err "`y' not integer variable" 
				exit 498 
			tempvar Y obs 
			clonevar `Y' = `y' 
			local y "`Y'" 
			gen long `obs' = _n 
		capture confirm numeric variable `bar' 
		if _rc { 
			di as err "`bar' not numeric"
			exit _rc 
		levelsof `obs' if `touse', local(levels) 

		local lbl : value label `text' 

		if "`lbl'" == "" { 
			tempname lbl 
			foreach l of local levels { 
				label def `lbl' `= `y'[`l']' `"`= `text'[`l']'"', add    
		else { 
			tempname newlbl 
			foreach l of local levels { 
				local val : label `lbl' `= `text'[`l']' 
				label def `newlbl' `=`y'[`l']' `"`val'"', add
			local lbl "`newlbl'" 
		label val `y' `lbl' 

		keep if `touse' 
		levelsof `y', local(levels) 
	twoway bar `bar' `y',                    ///
	yla(`levels', valuelabel noticks ang(h))            ///
	hor ysc(reverse) ytitle("") xtitle("")              ///
	barw(0.6) legend(off) `options'                     ///
	|| scatter `y' `bar', ytitle("") ms(none) `scatter' ///
	|| `plot'                                           ///
	|| `addplot' 
Hiroshi Maeda
> I use Stata 9.1 for Windows XP. I am trying to draw what is 
> supposed to be
> a simple bar graph. I experimented with and compared the "graph twoway
> bar, horizontal" and "graph hbar" commands. Please find below 
> sample data
> and commands for illustration. First I tried the "graph twoway bar,
> horizontal" command. The resultant graph (GRAPH_01) was very 
> close to what
> I wanted except that there was a small gap between the y axis and the
> location where bars began. Then I tried the "graph hbar" command. The
> resultant graph (GRAPH_02) took care of what I found lacking 
> in GRAPH_01
> but it displayed the labels of categories which I wanted to 
> be invisible
> (that is, I wanted to create a gap between hospital categories); those
> categories are 3, 6, & 9 on the y axis.
> Does anyone know:
> 1) How to eliminate a gap(space) between the y axis and the 
> location where
> bars begin in GRAPH_01, using the "graph twoway bar, 
> horizontal" command?
> 2) How to make the labels 3, 6, & 9 on the y axis (the 
> categories intended
> to be invisible for an aesthetic reason) disappear, using the 
> "graph hbar"
> command?
> *The sample data and commands begin here ============================;
> clear;
> set obs 11;
> gen TYPE_YEAR=.;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=1  in 1;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=2  in 2;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=3  in 3;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=4  in 4;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=5  in 5;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=6  in 6;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=7  in 7;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=8  in 8;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=9  in 9;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=10 in 10;
> replace TYPE_YEAR=11 in 11;
> lab define TYPE_YEAR 1 "General, 1900" 2 "General, 1930" 4 
> "Mental, 1900"
> 5 "Mental, 1930" 7 "TB, 1900" 8 "TB, 1930" 10 "OS, 1900" 11 
> "OS, 1930";
> gen AVE_NUM_BED=.;
> replace AVE_NUM_BED=82  if TYPE_YEAR==1;
> replace AVE_NUM_BED=81  if TYPE_YEAR==2;
> replace AVE_NUM_BED=508 if TYPE_YEAR==4;
> replace AVE_NUM_BED=780 if TYPE_YEAR==5;
> replace AVE_NUM_BED=103 if TYPE_YEAR==7;
> replace AVE_NUM_BED=130 if TYPE_YEAR==8;
> replace AVE_NUM_BED=68  if TYPE_YEAR==10;
> replace AVE_NUM_BED=60  if TYPE_YEAR==11;
> graph twoway (bar AVE_NUM_BED TYPE_YEAR, horizontal barwidth(.8)
>         fcolor(gs0) lstyle(solid) lw(thin)),
> 	title("Average Number of Beds", size(medsmall) margin(medsmall))
> 	ytitle("")
> 	xtitle("")
> 	ylabel(1 2 4 5 7 8 10 11, labsize(vsmall) valuelabel
>                angle(horizontal) nogrid notick)
> 	xlabel(0 50 100 (100) 800, labsize(vsmall) grid gmax gmin)
> 	xline(50 100, lw(vthin))
> 	saving(GRAPH_01, replace);
> graph hbar (asis) AVE_NUM_BED if TYPE_YEAR!=.,
> 	over(TYPE_YEAR, label(labsize(vsmall)) gap(50))
> 	bar(1, fcolor(gs0) lstyle(solid) lw(thin))
> 	title("Average Number of Beds", size(medsmall) margin(medsmall))
> 	ylabel(0 50 100 (100) 800, labsize(vsmall) grid gmax gmin)
> 	ytitle("")
> 	yline(50 100, lw(vthin))
> 	saving(GRAPH_02, replace);
> *The same data and commands end here ==============================;

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