On 3/3/06, Steffen Hokland <[email protected]> wrote:
> > replace Include=1 if Temp==42.5 | Dose_Group<3
> > returns:
> > Dose_Group invalid name
> > r(198)
> > ----------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Are you absolutely certain that you have a variable with the name
> > Dose_Group (with uppercase and lowercase characters as shown)?
> Yes - it's probably an error 40 (the error is 40 cm from the
> display), but not that one.
The return code is r(198) and that is clearly stated.
What does "40cm from the display" mean?
Is there something near the monitor/computer that is causing the error
(in no way meant to be facetious, but perhaps the user), or are you
using -trace- to findout where the error is occuring and its 40 lines
prior to exiting all code and returning to the prompt?
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