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Re: st: Re: Troubles with iODBC on Linux

From   Orvalho Joaquim Augusto <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: Troubles with iODBC on Linux
Date   Wed, 01 Mar 2006 11:03:09 +0200

Thank you Kevin for your answer I was out so I could not give a
I am updating iODBC to 3.52.4 release. I will be testing then I will say


I was out I will do as you se
On Fri, 2006-02-24 at 11:05 -0600, Kevin Turner wrote:
> Orvalho Joaquim Augusto ([email protected]) writes:
> >1. When I use any odbc command to connect to a localhost database on mysql I
> >have to pass arguments like user and password even I put them on
> >/etc/odbc.ini. And the database name should be equals to dsn!  How can solve
> >that?
> >
> >2. I can not connect to a remote database: it gives 
> >[TCX][MyODBC]Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
> >'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
> >r(682);
> '
> I hesitate to weigh in on this because both of these issues are iODBC/MySQL
> configuration issues, not Stata issues.  
> With regards to issue 1, the use of automatic passwords via an iODBC odbc.ini
> file on Linux is known to work. Admittedly, this has been tested using a
> Postgres database, but the database-independent nature of ODBC suggests this is
> a configuration issue between iODBC and the MySQL ODBC driver parameters. Your
> parameter keywords in the odbc.ini look valid, but I would double check them to
> make sure they are not case sensitive, etc. I believe that iODBC simply
> assembles the keyword/value pairs in the odbc.ini file and passes them to the
> driver. If the driver doesn't like them, it has the option of ignoring them.
> Concerning issue 2, I have even less to offer. It is possible to connect to
> remote servers via iODBC in Stata, so there is hope. I've never seen your 
> particular error before you posted it, but a quick Google of the error message
> returned plenty of hits from the MySQL message boards. Try to follow up on it
> there. See:
> --Kevin
> [email protected]
> Sincerely,
> Kevin Turner
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