I'm hoping this is a really easy one.
I'm thinking about having a graph with the yaxis on the right. That's
easy; yscale(alt). But when I try to label the axis --
ytitle("WHATEVER"), that label shows up on the left. This is true
whether I put the ytitle before or after the yscale.
Any thoughts? Help is greatly appreciated.
My particular syntax is:
hist num if [some stuff here], ytitle("TITLE") yscale(alt)
xtitle("TITLE") xlabel(1 3 6) percent by (prison, year, cols(4) holes(1)
Margo Schlanger
Margo Schlanger
Professor of Law
Washington University in St. Louis
One Brookings Drive
Campus Box 1120
St. Louis, MO 63130
(314) 935-8242
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