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st: RE: Mata dir

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Mata dir
Date   Tue, 28 Feb 2006 18:24:04 -0000

One answer comes on three levels. 

1. What you are doing is illegal. You are taking a bit 
of Mata and trying to issue it as a Stata command. 
This will not work. 

mata: dir(".", "files", "*")

is legal but will not help you do very much. It will
show you a column vector with the names of the files
in question but you can get that in other ways. 

2. You will get nowhere diving into the depths of Mata 
without learning more about Mata. In general, to 
do anything with the results of this Mata command 
you need to embed it within a Mata program. 

3. You say you want a column vector of filenames
but do not say why. If you just want to work 
through a list of filenames then the command -fs- 
from SSC may help. 

(As urged before on Statalist, please do not 
describe your questions as "very silly". This 
does not make your question any more interesting
or legitimate. Everyone is entitled to be confused. 
Everyone is entitled to ignore questions they do 
not want to answer. No other comments are needed.)   

[email protected] 

Mosca, Ilaria
> I am trying to create a column
> vector containing the names of the files in dir that match 
> pattern. For
> this purpose I looked at the online help, under -help mf dir.
> Subsequently I type the following:
> dir(".", "files", "*")
> but then I obtain the following error message:
> dir(".", "files", "*")
> invalid '".' 
> r(198);
> What am I doing wrong? 
> Thanks in advance for your help!
> Ilaria
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