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st: testing for endogenity of a regressor (was mime-version 1.0)

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: testing for endogenity of a regressor (was mime-version 1.0)
Date   Mon, 27 Feb 2006 14:17:07 -0500

Olle wrote

"Testing for endogenity of a regressor

We have the following outcome equation:

(1) lnY=aX+bC+e

were X is assumed to be exogenous variables and C is an indicator variable
for a multinomial treatment (each individual is exposed to one out of five
possible treatments).

Treatment selection is governed by the following linear index function:

(2) C=dZ+u

were Z represents another set of set of exogenous variables.

The idea is to control for possible selection bias (i.e. E(e|C,X) # 0) in
the estimation of the treatment effect using a "selection on observables"
approach, where Z is added to equation (1) and this equation is estimated
as a linear control function model.

Before proceeding with this, we would like to test whether C in equation
(1) is actually endogenous.

Anyone who knows how to perform a endogeneity test in Stata in this case?
Perhaps something analogous to the Durbin- Whu- Hausman test?"

findit ivreg2

also see SJ 3(1), Baum, Schaffer, Stillman, available in preprint form from my homepage below

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics

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