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st: RE: a question about making a tabel using STATA

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: a question about making a tabel using STATA
Date   Sun, 26 Feb 2006 16:33:09 -0000

I can't speak for STATA. The program I know 
is called Stata. Please read the Statalist 
FAQ before posting to be familiar with the 
advice given. 

Specific answers below. 

[email protected] 

Jian Zhang
> Dear STATA users,
> I have a question about making a table using STATA.  I 
> couldn't figure out
> how to make it. Hope that you could help me.
> The table that I need has the following format:
>         	group1	group2 	group3
> variabel 1
> variabel 2
> variabel 3
> The celles are filled with variable means for each group and for each
> varialbe. For example, the first cell (row 1 and column 1) is 
> the mean of variable 1 for group 1.
> I know that I can use command table to make the following table:
> table group, by(mean variable1 mean variable2 mean variable3)
> 	variable1 	variable2	variable3
> group1
> group2
> group3
> Since I have so many variables and groups, it would take too 
> much time to
> convert the format of the secon table to that of the first table
> manually. I wonder if there is a shortcut way in which I 
> could directly
> generate the first table?

I can't find anything to do precisely this. Here's a quick 
and dirty program to do it. It's not especially smart about
row or column labels. Watch for wrapped lines in copying. 

*! NJC 1.0.0 26 Feb 2006 
program meantable
	version 8.2 
	syntax varlist(numeric) [if] [in] [, by(varname) format(str) stat(str) ] 

	quietly { 
		marksample touse 
		if "`by'" != "" markout `touse' `by', strok 
		count if `touse' 
		if r(N) == 0 error 2000 

		if "`by'" != "" { 
			levels `by' if `touse', clean local(levels)
			local levels : subinstr local levels "." " ", all 
		else { 
			tempvar by
			gen byte `by' = 1 
			local levels "all" 

		local nstat : word count `stat' 
		if `nstat' >= 2 { 
			di as err "single statistics only in stat()"
			exit 198
		tempvar group 
		egen `group' = group(`by') if `touse' 
		su `group', meanonly 
		local c = r(max) 
		numlist "1/`c'" 
		local safelevels "`r(numlist)'" 
		local r : word count `varlist' 
		tokenize `varlist' 
		tempname tmatrix 
		mat `tmatrix' = J(`r', `c', .) 
		if "`stat'" == "" local stat "mean" 
		if inlist("`stat'", "N", "sum_w", "sum", "mean", "min", "max") { 
			local opt "meanonly" 
		else if inlist("`stat'", "skewness", "kurtosis") { 
			local opt "detail" 
		else if inlist("`stat'", "p1", "p5", "p10", "p25", "p50", "p75", "p90", "p95", "p99") {   
			local opt "detail" 

		forval j = 1/`c' { 
			forval i = 1/`r' {
				su ``i'' if `group' == `j', `opt' 
				matrix `tmatrix'[`i', `j'] = r(`stat')

		matrix rownames `tmatrix' = `varlist' 
		capture matrix colnames `tmatrix' = `levels' 
		if _rc matrix colnames `tmatrix' = `safelevels' 
		if "`format'" == "" local format "%4.3f"
	mat li `tmatrix', format(`format') noheader  
. sysuse auto, clear
(1978 Automobile Data)

. meantable mpg

mpg  21.297

. meantable mpg, by(rep78) 

          1       2       3       4       5
mpg  21.000  19.125  19.433  21.667  27.364

. meantable mpg turn trunk , by(rep78) 

            1       2       3       4       5
  mpg  21.000  19.125  19.433  21.667  27.364
 turn  41.000  43.375  41.067  38.500  35.636
trunk   8.500  14.625  15.267  13.500  11.455

. meantable mpg turn trunk , by(rep78)  format(%2.1f) 

          1     2     3     4     5
  mpg  21.0  19.1  19.4  21.7  27.4
 turn  41.0  43.4  41.1  38.5  35.6
trunk   8.5  14.6  15.3  13.5  11.5

. meantable mpg turn trunk , by(rep78)  format(%4.3f) stat(skewness)

. meantable mpg turn trunk , by(rep78)  format(%4.1f)  stat(p50)

          1     2     3     4     5
  mpg  21.0  18.0  19.0  22.5  30.0
 turn  41.0  43.5  42.0  37.0  36.0
trunk   8.5  16.0  16.0  13.5  11.0
> A related question is that: is there an option in command table or in
> other commands that we could automatically indicate the statistical
> signifance of the difference between groups for same variables on the
> tables? I looked through the help file for command table and 
> did not find
> such options.  Do I need to use command ttest for each group 
> and for each
> variable and then manually indicate the statistical 
> significance on the table?

Occasionally there are options that are not documented. In the 
case of -table- no such option exists. I don't know how a set of 
results for all possible pairwise t tests would be compatible 
with the table structure you seek and in any case it would be 
very poor statistical practice, especially as you seem most
interested in getting at the significance level. You need
to read up on problems of multiplicity in hypothesis testing. 

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