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st: Re: simple way to create missing data that is "missing at random" from a small datset
No problem, but if you find my reply puzzeling than chances are that someone else on statalist
might find it puzzeling too, so I also sent my reply (and your full question underneath) to the
The variable p is the probability of missingness, so the mean of p should be .1 if you want
apporximately 10% missingness. Your mean is .99, so most people will be made missing. -invlogit-
transforms a linear function of "explanatory variables" (in yourcase .1*age) to lie between zero
and one according to 1/(1+exp{-xb}), so the values you plug in (in your case .1 for age and 0 for
the constant) are "logistic regression coefficients". I would play around with values of the
constant so that you get a mean p of about .1 (the more negative the constant the lower the
probability), For instance look at the mean of p if you do -gen p =invlogit(-10 + .1*age)-
Afterwards I would look if there is enough variation in the values of p. If the value of p is
approximately constant than the influence of age on the probability of missingness is probably not
strong enough to show up in your simulations. If p is approximately constant you should increase
the parameter of age. This might than mess up the mean probability of missingness a bit, so than
it would be good to check if the mean probability of missingness is still close to .1
--- Suzy <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear Maarten:
> Hope you don't mind the direct e-mail. I tried your code based on my
> dataset and what I thought I should do and all of my BMI observations
> went missing rather than say 5-10%. I have obviously done something
> wrong with it. I'm hoping you can help. I would like about 10% of the
> BMI variable to be missing. I want the missingness to be associated with
> older age, but not dependent on the value of BMI - thus hopefully
> satisfying the MAR assumption.
> I've included the summary stats of the variables, the code you provided
> (I modified it somewhat) and the result...
> can you see what I did wrong??
> summarize
> Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> sex | 332 .4849398 .5005275 0 1
> race | 332 .3253012 .4691944 0 1
> age | 332 52.06024 12.6857 28 82
> fhdm | 332 .3373494 .4735189 0 1
> bmi | 332 30.98795 6.18837 18 48
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> dmcat | 332 .2771084 .4482461 0 1
> . gen p = invlogit(.1*age)
> . sum p
> Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> p | 332 .9894261 .0121324 .9426758 .9997254
> . replace bmi = . if uniform() < p
> (332 real changes made, 332 to missing)
> . summarize
> Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> sex | 332 .4849398 .5005275 0 1
> race | 332 .3253012 .4691944 0 1
> age | 332 52.06024 12.6857 28 82
> fhdm | 332 .3373494 .4735189 0 1
> bmi | 0
> -------------+--------------------------------------------------------
> dmcat | 332 .2771084 .4482461 0 1
> p | 332 .9894261 .0121324 .9426758 .9997254
between 1/2/2006 and 31/3/2006 I will be
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best way to reach me is by email
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
visiting adress:
Buitenveldertselaan 3 (Metropolitan), room Z214
+31 20 5986715
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