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Re: st: assigning codes to variables in bulk

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: assigning codes to variables in bulk
Date   Thu, 23 Feb 2006 12:27:55 -0500

Well, you could put all those commands in one long command like so:
forvalues i=1 to 16 {;
 g jobstatus`i'= 86 *(jobnum`i'== 003)+ 77*(jobnum`i'== 004)
     8 *(jobnum`i'== 909);

but that is still an awful lot of typing.  Another way is make a
dataset of 500obs with just the two codes, and -merge- this on to your
original data, after applying -reshape- to your original data.  But
that is also a lot of work.

I like this approach (it seems more easily extensible and more
transparent, somehow):

la def jobstat 86 "003";
la def jobstat 77 "004", modify;
la def jobstat  8 "909", modify;
tempname t;
forvalues i=1 to 16 {;
 la val jobnum`i' jobstat;
 decode jobnum`i' , g(`t');
 g jobstatus`i'=real(`t');
 drop `t';

On 2/23/06, Marino, Jennifer <[email protected]> wrote:
> I am doing the following and fervently believe that there are more
> elegant, faster ways to do this. (I am working in Stata 8.2 but will be
> updating to 9 any day now.) Occupational history codes jobnum1-jobnum16
> each take one of 500 values from 003 to 909, and I am assigning a
> Nam-Powers status value (1 to 100) to each occupation held.
> forvalues i=1 to 16{
> gen jobstatus`i'=.
> }
> forvalues i=1 to 16{
>  replace jobstatus`i'= 86 if jobnum`i'== 003
> }
> forvalues i=1 to 16{
>  replace jobstatus`i'= 77 if jobnum`i'== 004
> }
> ...
> forvalues i=1 to 16{
>  replace jobstatus`i'= 08 if jobnum`i'== 909
> }
> It's not a problem to me to do this in this kludgy fashion, but I'd like
> to learn how Stata experts would do it. Please enlighten me. Thank you
> very much.

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