Yes; I know how to do this.
The Visual Guide is an excellent resource on official Stata
graphics. But -- correct me if I'm wrong -- it doesn't touch on
user-written programs. So, the usual route to follow is
. findit bar
which gives lots of pointers including
FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creating percent summary variables
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N. J. Cox and S. Merryman
11/05 How can I create variables containing percent
SJ-4-2 gr0004 . Speaking Stata: Graphing categorical and compositional data
Q2/04 SJ 4(2):190--215 (no commands)
discusses graphical possibilities for categorical and
compositional data
catplot from
'CATPLOT': module for plots of frequencies, fractions or percents of
categorical data / catplot shows frequencies (or optionally fractions or
percents) / of the categories of one, two or three categorical variables.
The / first named variable is innermost on the display; that is, its /
In your case, -price- is irrelevant, as you want a simple bar
chart of the frequencies of a variable. Installing -catplot-
gives you one way
. ssc inst catplot
. catplot bar headroom, percent blabel(bar, format(%5.2f))
But you can get there with official Stata too
. histogram headroom , discrete barw(0.25) w(0.5) percent addlabels
except that tweaking the format eludes me for the moment.
This may be covered in Michael Mitchell's book, but I can't
check. Colleagues grabbed my copy of the book gleefully as soon as they
spotted it and it's hardly been in my hands since the day it
[email protected]
Esther Kessler
> I would like to have the frequencies in percent above the
> bars as a label. I couldn't find anything in the visual guide
> to stata graphics.
> To illustrate my problem:
> sysuse auto
> tab headroom
> graph bar price, over(headroom) blabel(bar, format(5%5.2d))
> Instead of the price I would like to have 5.14 above the
> first bar (headroom 1.5), 17.57 above the second bar
> (headroom 2.0) and so on.
> Does anybody know how to do this?
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