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Re: st: non-linear models with gmm

From   "Robert Duval" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: non-linear models with gmm
Date   Wed, 22 Feb 2006 15:20:14 -0500


As far as I know Stata does not have a general GMM routine (to its
embarrasment I would say, even if this could gain me some verbal
spanking in this list).

Maybe you can twist one of the existing routines (e.g. nl) to try to
get at your problem, although my guess is that it is probably easier
(and safer) to you program your own routine from scratch, preferably
in mata.

Otherwise, you would have to look elswere. I know LIMDEP has a general
GMM routine but personally I've never used it so I cannot comment on
it. GAUSS might be another option.


On 2/22/06, alvaro <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I need to estimate a non-linear model with gmm.
> the model is of the following type:
> y=beta1*y(t-1)+(1-beta1)*(beta2+beta3*x1)+epsilon
> with instruments: c x1(t-1) and so on.
> Is there any built in facility in Stata to perform this regression?
> Cheers,
> Alvaro
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