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st: question regarding newey2

From   Dhiman Das <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: question regarding newey2
Date   Tue, 21 Feb 2006 14:07:49 -0500

xtdes on the panel data show that there is no break in pattern
yet newey2 requires that i use the force command
Can anyone please explain what "year is not regularly spaced" means

dhiman das

Command + Error message:
. xtdes

provider_no:  10008, 10018, ..., 520178                      n =       1704
     year:  1996, 1997, ..., 2003                             T =          8
            Delta(year) = 1; (2003-1996)+1 = 8
            (provider_no*year uniquely identifies each observation)

Distribution of T_i:   min      5%     25%       50%       75%
95%     max
                          8       8       8         8         8
8       8

      Freq.  Percent    Cum. |  Pattern
      1704    100.00  100.00 |  11111111
      1704    100.00         |  XXXXXXXX
r; t=1.45 14:04:38

. xi: newey2  margin los occp cmapd bba_d bbaXurban bbaXteach bbaXdsh
trend trend2 i.provider_no , lag(3)
i.provider_no     _Iprovider__10008-520178(naturally coded;
_Iprovider__10008 omitted)
year is not regularly spaced -- use the force option to override
r(198); t=37.88 14:05:24

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