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st: areg with IV

From   "Rijo John" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: areg with IV
Date   Sat, 18 Feb 2006 18:22:36 +0530

Dear Statalist,

The `absorb(varname)' in the `areg' specifies the categorical variable
which is to be included in  the regression as if it were specified by
dummy variables. [Same is done with the command xtreg, fe i(clust)].
Typically when we have large number of dummies and we don't want the
coefficients of the dummies to be printed out in the regression result
window this `absorb(varname)' is a good way out.

I want to know if ivreg or ivreg2 in Stata support such a thing. Coz I
want to estimate a model  'areg y x1 x2 x3, absorb(clust)'  where
clust is an indicator variable for different clusters and x1 is an
endogenous variable. I want to estimate this same model with an
instrumental variable for x1.

I went through the ivreg command but could not find such an option.
Can someone please suggest a way out?

Thanking you in advance
Rijo John.

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