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Re: st: bootstrap a parameter vector

From (Jeff Pitblado, StataCorp LP)
Subject   Re: st: bootstrap a parameter vector
Date   Fri, 17 Feb 2006 14:21:28 -0600

Edwin Leuven <> is trying to -bootstrap- a parameter vector
using a special wrap-around script of -dprobit-:

> i am trying to bootstrap a parameter vector.
> i have written an eclass program along the lines of this:
> cap program drop eff
> program eff, eclass
> dprobit geb bdate girl p2 p5 if achter==1
> tempvar t
> g `t' = e(sample)
> matrix b = e(dfdx)
> eret post b, esample(`t')
> end
> if i read the documentation well i can now bootstrap my estimates as 
> follows:
> . bootstrap , reps(100): eff
> or
> . bootstrap _b , reps(100): eff
> but both throw an error:
> . bootstrap , reps(100): eff
> (running eff on estimation sample)
> last estimation results not found, nothing to store
> estimation result __000002 not found
> r(111); t=0.17 15:27:41
> does anyone know what i am doing wrong here?

Estimation commands used with -bootstrap-, -jackknife-, and other prefix type
commands that consume estimation results need to identify their results as
their own by setting -e(cmd)-.  This is a requirement of -estimates store-.

Here is how to modify Edwin's -eff- program to get it to work properly with

program eff, eclass
	dprobit geb bdate girl p2 p5 if achter==1
	tempvar t
	g `t' = e(sample)
	matrix b = e(dfdx)
	eret post b, esample(`t')
	eret local cmd eff		// <- new line

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