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st: mahapick; package to pick matched control cases

From   David Kantor <[email protected]>
To   Statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: mahapick; package to pick matched control cases
Date   Fri, 17 Feb 2006 13:28:10 -0500

Hi all,

Thanks to Kit Baum, my package mahapick is now available in the SSC archives.

This allows you to select matching control cases for a set of "treated" cases -- for subsequent analysis. Matching is done with replacement, using a Mahalanobis distance measure. There are also programs to compute the distance measure and manage the resulting dataset. There is also a program to place a set of variances into a matrix (an operation that was useful within these programs, but may interest others as well).

Some of you out there have received earlier partly-completed versions of this over the past few years. Now you may download this "completed" version. (Depending on how long-ago you got it, the programs may or may not be different, but the help files are very much improved, if a bit lengthy.) And to any of you who may have corresponded with me privately, note my new email address: [email protected] .

I hope this of help to some of you.

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