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Re: st: RE: Saveold option
Newson, Roger B wrote:
I think you'll find that, under Stata 9, the -asveold- option creates
Stata 8 datasets, not Stata 7 datasets as required by your colleague.
That is probably why your colleague's Stata 7 is confused.
Dear Statalisters:
I guessed the same thing about saveold, but then checked the help menu of Stata
9 and found
"saveold saves the dataset currently in memory on disk under the name
filename in Stata 7 format.
"If you are using Stata 9 and want to save a file so that it may be read
by someone using Stata 8, simply use the save command. Stata 8 and Stata
9 share the same dataset format."
I can't guess the reason for Ilaria's problem (SE to intercooled perhaps?), but
she should surely be able to get round the problem by following Professor
Newson's advice.
Dave Harless
If you have access to StatTransfer, then that can be used to convert
Stata 9 datasets to Version 7. You can find out more about StatTransfer
However, if you don't have StatTransfer, then one possible fix migth be
to use -outsheet- and -insheet- together with the -descsave- package,
downloadable from SSC. -descsave- is a Stata program that writes Stata
programs. It can write a do-file to reconstruct the types, formats,
variable labels, value labels and characteristics of a list of
variables. This do-file should work under Stata 7, 6 or 5.
For instance, if you type in Stata 9
. sysuse auto, clear
. rename displacement displ
. rename gear_ratio gratio
. descsave, do(auto.do, replace)
. outsheet using auto.txt, nolabel replace
then you should create a generic text spreadsheet -auto.txt-, containing
the names and values of the variables of the auto data, and a do-file
-auto.do-, which can reconstruct their types, formats, value labels and
variable labels. If you transfer -auto.txt- and -auto.do- to a folder on
your colleague's machine, and then type in Stata 7, 6 or 5
. insheet using auto.txt, clear
. run auto.do
. describe
then you should find that you have created a Stata 6 dataset in memory
similar to your old Stata 9 dataset. The precision of the transfer
process will probably not be as good as with StatTransfer, but will
probably be good enough for most people most of the time.
I hope this helps.
Roger Newson
Lecturer in Medical Statistics
Respiratory Epidemiology and Public Health Group
National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London
St Mary's Campus
Norfolk Place
London W2 1PG
Respiratory Epidemiology and Public Health Group
National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London
47 Praed Street
London W1 1NR
TELEPHONE: (+44) 020 7594 0939
FAX: (+44) 020 7594 0942
EMAIL: [email protected]
WEBSITE: http://www.kcl-phs.org.uk/rogernewson/
Opinions expressed are those of the author, not of the institution.
-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Mosca, Ilaria
Sent: 17 February 2006 15:01
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Saveold option
Dear Statalisters,
I am working on a big file with a colleague, so we frequently have to
exchange our DTA databases. However, I have Stata 9 and she's using
Stata 7.
Although I save my databases with the command -saveold, she does not
manage to read the file and gets an error report that says -unrecognized
What could the problem be? I tend to first save the files in Stata 9
(with command -save) and afterwards I save them for Stata 7 (with
command -saveold). When the file is saved in Stata 9, can it be "saved
back" in Stata 7? Alternatively, should I save the files already from
the beginning with -saveold?
Many thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.
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