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st: Hurdle Model Help

From   "Brooks Taggert J" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Hurdle Model Help
Date   Wed, 15 Feb 2006 22:48:44 -0600

So I'm trying to estimate a hurdle model, actually before I do that I'm just trying to replicate the program in Stata Journal Vol 3 Issue 2 (p178), in the "From the help desk" section.  It has become maddening.  I've gone over the syntax again and again...even cutting and pasting from the pdf.  But alas, it will not produce the results in the article.  When I run the last line below (ml max, nolog) stata responds with an ' invalid name error.  I assume it is choking on the first generate command, but I don't know why.
Any thoughts?
Thanks much 
here is the program:
program hurdle_ll
 version 8
 args lnf beta1 beta2
 tempvar pi lambda
 quietly generate double 'pi' = exp('beta1')
 quietly generate double 'lambda' = exp('beta2')
 quietly replace 'lnf' = cond($ML_y1==0,-'pi', ///
 log(1-exp(-'pi')) + $ML_y1*'beta2' - ///
 log(exp('lambda')-1) - lngamma($ML_y1+1))
ml model lf hurdle_ll (y = x1 x2) (x1 x2)
ml max, nolog

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