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Re: st: interpreting probit estimates

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: interpreting probit estimates
Date   Wed, 15 Feb 2006 17:10:54 -0500

At 02:02 PM 2/15/2006, Jonathan A. Schwabish wrote:
This may or may not be a Stata question. I am trying
to convert probit estimates to the following
interpretation: "A standard deviation increase in the
[independent variable] increases the [dependent
variable] by x% (or x standard deviations)."

The -listcoef- command is very useful but for
interpretation purposes, is only applicable to the
logit command (log odds). Does anyone know of a Stata
command, or just a way to modify probit results, to
fit this type of interpretation?
To follow up a bit on my previous answer: In binary probit, the error term is assumed to be distributed normally with variance 1. In binary logit, the error term is assumed to be distributed logistically with variance (pi^2)/3 = roughly 3.29. For the most part though, these distributions are very similar, differing mostly by a scale factor (hence the widespread claim that it usually doesn't matter that much whether you use logit or probit).

Before standardization, the estimated V(Y*) = V(XB) + V(error term) where the variance of the error term is as described above. After Y-standardization, V(Y*) = 1

Note what happens when you standardize probit and then logit coefficients:

. use "";
(77 & 89 General Social Survey)
. quietly probit warmlt2 yr89 male white age ed prst
. listcoef, std

probit (N=2293): Unstandardized and Standardized Estimates

Observed SD: .33585294
Latent SD: 1.0785709

warmlt2 | b z P>|z| bStdX bStdY bStdXY SDofX
yr89 | -0.51003 -6.517 0.000 -0.2498 -0.4729 -0.2316 0.4897
male | 0.16937 2.439 0.015 0.0845 0.1570 0.0783 0.4989
white | 0.28195 2.382 0.017 0.0928 0.2614 0.0860 0.3290
age | 0.00920 4.223 0.000 0.1544 0.0085 0.1432 16.7790
ed | -0.05786 -4.207 0.000 -0.1829 -0.0536 -0.1696 3.1608
prst | 0.00066 0.221 0.825 0.0095 0.0006 0.0088 14.4923

. quietly logit warmlt2 yr89 male white age ed prst
. listcoef, std

logit (N=2293): Unstandardized and Standardized Estimates

Observed SD: .33585294
Latent SD: 1.9615163

Odds of: SD vs D,A,SA

warmlt2 | b z P>|z| bStdX bStdY bStdXY SDofX
yr89 | -0.96474 -6.256 0.000 -0.4725 -0.4918 -0.2409 0.4897
male | 0.30536 2.364 0.018 0.1523 0.1557 0.0777 0.4989
white | 0.55266 2.397 0.017 0.1818 0.2818 0.0927 0.3290
age | 0.01647 4.060 0.000 0.2764 0.0084 0.1409 16.7790
ed | -0.10480 -4.136 0.000 -0.3312 -0.0534 -0.1689 3.1608
prst | 0.00141 0.249 0.803 0.0205 0.0007 0.0104 14.4923

The columns labeled bStdY and bStdXY (in which Y* is standardized in both cases) are pretty much identical to each other. So, the fact that you are using probit rather than logit really shouldn't make the task of interpretation all that much harder.

The latest edition of Long and Freese can be found at

Long's 1997 book is also good for providing a more in-depth mathematical discussion of these and other issues:

Also, I show some more formal calculations at

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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