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RE: st: ordered probit with random effects

From   "Roys Nicolas" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: ordered probit with random effects
Date   Tue, 14 Feb 2006 11:31:31 +0100

Thanks a lot for your reply.
in fact, the problem is even more basic.
Stata9 doesn't recognize the command : reoprob
so i try to install it (ssc install reoprob) but that doesn't work either.


-----Message d'origine-----
De : [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]De la part de Joseph
Envoy� : mardi 14 f�vrier 2006 10:24
� : Statalist
Objet : Re: st: ordered probit with random effects

Roys Nicolas wrote:

I want to estimate an ordered probit with random effects. I use Stata9 but
the command reoprob doesn't seem to work. Could smbdy give me the right
procedure to use ? (i find little guidance in previous post nor in google).


-reoprob- is suitable for random effects ordered probit regression.  Could
you be a little more specific about your problem?

Try the little do-file below.  It converges by the fourth iteration (null 
model and full model each--about half a minute to one minute in total) and 
should for you, too.  If it does, then something is might wrong with the way 
you set up your analysis (or you're not being patient enough for your 
dataset).  If it doesn't, then something might be wrong elsewhere:  is 
everything up-to-date (official ado files, -reoprob-, executable)?  It 
should give you some diagnostic information either way.

Joseph Coveney

set more off
drawnorm latent0 latent1 latent2, ///
  corr(1 0.5 0.5 \ 0.5 1 0.5 \ 0.5 0.5 1) ///
  n(200) seed(`=date("2006-02-14", "ymd")')
generate float predictor = uniform()
generate int row = _n
reshape long latent, i(row) j(time)
generate byte manifest = 1
forvalues cut = 0.2(0.2)0.8 {
    replace manifest = manifest + (norm(latent) > `cut')
xi: reoprob manifest i.time*predictor, i(row)

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