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Re: st: Forvalues & foreach
you miss a second closing bracket '}'
forvalues i=2/3 {
local min_int "5 10"
foreach x of min_int {
Mosca, Ilaria wrote on 2/10/2006 11:00 AM:
Dear Statalisters,
I am trying to use the commands -forvalues and -foreach simultaneously
(I don't know though whether it is feasible).
My commands look like this:
forvalues i=2/3 {
local min_int "5 10"
foreach x of min_int {
gen extratime1`i'=time<=`x'
gen extratimepop1`i'= extratime1`i'*popperc
bys category: table extratimepop1`i',c(sum popperc)
When I run it, I get the following message
unexpected end of file
Could you please help me? What am I doing wrong?
Many thanks in advance, Ilaria
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