Sorry a slight correction:
> >I want to find the weighted percentage of people owning a car across
> >different income groups. I have an id variable (id_var) for each
> >individual and an indicator variable denoting their income status and
> >another variable denoting their expenditure on car. If the expenditure
> >is 0 it is recorded as missing value and it would mean that the person
> >doesn't own a car.
Well, I guess I got the answer (at least easier than what I did before
and I am sure there are much more elegant ways.)
table income [pw=multiplier], c(n id_var n car) replace
gen percentage=table2*100/table1
list income percentage
I have to now learn how to put this into a loop. (Not sure) Coz I
need to repeat this same exercise for car, TV,.. for some 10-15
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